Route 1 Danger level 5: Insert here during daylight. Take your camera gear in a purse but leave a case in the car. Display interest in whatever the building contains while doing so eye the perimeter find the least visible potion on the side where the first line it most likely that corner. Enter the forest after checking if there is anyone watching while keeping a casual look as if “meandering”. If you feel people have noticed you go back to your car and put your camera in the camera bag and act as if you are inspired. Also take several pictures before you enter the trees you once you have you will have a short window less than a half hour before people start noticing your absence. Clothing: wear normal clothes but none that are bright for obvious reasons. Make sure you have long clothes on and a light extra layer that you can shed after exiting trees. Secure any long lenses you may need. IMPORTANT: before you enter the parking lot be sure that he is there you have only one opportunity for this route so it is important that he is there. If this scares you to do this while having to inquire you can on a Sunday for example where there will be low volume of inquisitors however this also runs you the risk of standing out.